Our Approach to Gender Affirming Letters
Gender affirming letters are documents that many surgeons and insurance companies require in order to provide gender affirming medical procedures. They help ensure that individuals have access to the necessary medical interventions that align with their gender identity and improve their overall well-being. The content of a gender affirming letter typically includes several key elements. It acknowledges the individual's gender identity, describes their experience of gender dysphoria (if applicable), and affirms their readiness and eligibility for gender-affirming treatments. Our clinicians who complete assessments and write letters use WPATH Standards of Care to ensure that they meet the requirements to get medically necessary care.
We follow the Gender Affirming Letter Access Project (GALAP) Harm Reduction Guide to Letter writing which states:
"We envision a future in which people do not need to obtain assessments/letters from mental health providers in order to access gender affirming medical care. [We utilize] a harm reduction approach to letter writing, as we acknowledge the reality of harmful gatekeeping practices that are a current reality."
As such, we do not charge you or your insurance company for writing letters for accessing gender affirming medical care including gender affirming hormones and surgeries. During a Gender Affirming Letter (GAL) appointment at Clintonville Counseling & Wellness, you meet for an hour with a trained clinician who will gather information in order to write a qualified letter that meets WPATH and insurance company standards. These appointments are typically scheduled within two weeks of the request and you will receive your completed letter within one week after your appointment.