Serving LGBTQ People: The Basics
Presented by Jess Homan, LISW-S
6 CEs- Meets ethics requirements
This training targets clinicians who would like to have a better understanding of the LGBTQ community by learning about language and concepts, assessment skills, and medical and mental health issues specific to the LGBTQ community. This training also aims to take a deeper look at how age, culture, race, and intersectionality impact the LGBTQ population, specifically regarding trauma and suicide.
LGBTQ People and Aging
Presented by Jess Homan, LISW-S
1 CE- Meets ethics requirements
LGBTQ older adults are often an overlooked vulnerable population. This training aims to take a deeper look at understanding generational differences in the LGBTQ community, to explore barriers to care that are specific to LGBTQ older adults, and to understand how family structure and lack of support can impact health over time.
Origins of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) Pathologization
Presented by Luca Mendlein, LISW
1 CE- Meets ethics requirements
This webinar will provide training on the pathologization of trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) identities as a major barrier to gender-affirming healthcare for this population. It will present specific information on the role of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in forming the framework for pathologization through the Standards of Care and DSM respectively. The webinar will offer mental health clinicians methods of advocating for TGNC self-determination and access to care while providing direct practice within an oppressive system.
Gender Interrupted: An Expansive Look into the Transgender Community
Presented by Jess Homan, LISW-S
6 CEs- Meets ethics requirements
This training explores the complexities of transgender identities, including the ways in which people transition, impacts on interpersonal relationships, coming out, and specific tools to utilize while providing therapy to this population. At the end of this training, participants can expect to gain a deeper understanding of transgender identities and the transition process, to be able to name specific prosthetic items that may be used in affirming gender identity, to gain knowledge regarding specific tools used while providing therapy for the gender expansive community, and to be able to name specific barriers transgender people face on an institutional level.​
Gender Expression in the Transgender/Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) Population
Presented By Jessica Homan, LISW-S
1 CE- Meets ethics requirements
This training aims to explore the multitude of ways in which people express their gender. Participants should leave this course with a good understanding of the difference between gender and expression. We will cover many types of gender presentation, including prosthetic items, clothing, body hair, body language, voice, and others.​
Sexual Orientation 201: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Beyond
Presented by Jess Homan, LISW-S
6 CEs- Meets ethics requirements
This training aims to improve the understanding of sexual orientation, specifically regarding application of this knowledge in a clinical setting. We will explore historical context and ways in which this has impacted mental health treatment for LGB+ identities. Specifically, how these identities relate to cultural bias and understanding of how minority stress and intersectionality impacts mental health and treatment. This is a 201 level class for helping professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge beyond introductory concepts.​
LGBTQ 101: An Introduction to the Queer Community
Presented by Jess Homan, LISW-S
1 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
This training targets clinicians who would like to have a better understanding of the LGBTQ community. This is a foundational training where participants will learn about basic terms and concepts, including the difference between sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, and attraction. This training will prepare clinicians to better assess and work with clients in the LGBTQ community.
Serving LGBTQ+ Veterans
Presented Jess Homan, LISW-S
1 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
LGBTQ+ Veterans and active members of the military have been discriminated against since the military's inception. This presentation reviews how policies, culture, and intersectional identities impact the mental and physical health of LGBTQ+ veterans.
Everybody for Every Body: Trans Justice Oriented Sex Education
Presented by Elijah Johnson, LISW
2 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
This webinar will provide guidance on how to support, empower and educate trans/gender expansive/queer people and their loved ones about consensual, safe, trauma-informed sex. It will present specific information surrounding the current state of sex education, barriers and gaps in care/education, and how to offer accurate, age-appropriate information for marginalized gender and sexual communities.
Queer Indigenous Communities: An introduction
Presented By Kurstie Bevelhymer-Rangel, LSW
1 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
This training will aim to provide education on Indigenous Queer identities within the tribes native to what is now known as the United States. It will cover a brief history of how Indigenous people, communities, and tribes view LGB+, Trans, and Two-Spirit (2S) folx. This training will also provide a brief introduction for best practices when working with Queer Indigenous folx.
Native/Indigenous people have been colonized since the formation of what is now considered The United States of America. Due to forced cultural assimilation, many Native/Indigenous communities lost their identities and are victims to political, economic, and cultural structures prominent in the US that contribute to a rise in health-related problems, including mental health illnesses. To combat this, it is imperative to address the inequality and discrimination faced by Native/Indigenous people as this has been shown to be more effective than the standardized societal focus and emphasis on medication and traditional western therapy.
Asexuality 101: The Basics of the Ace Community
Presented by Dorian Rhea Debussy, Ph.D.
1 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
In this webinar, attendees will learn about the fundamentals of the asexual (“ace”) community. More specifically, this session will begin with a review of basic terminology in the ace community, including identities under the broader umbrella term of “asexual.” The session will continue with a review of common misconceptions that allosexual (i.e. non-ace) people have about the asexual community, and information to clarify these misconceptions will also be shared. And finally, the session will conclude with an interactive question and answer session, where attendees can learn more about topics related to both asexuality and ace inclusion
Gender Affirming Letter Writing: A Destigmatizing Approach
Presented by Julie Hazel, LPCC
1 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
This training will provide education around writing letter referrals for the purpose of gender affirming surgeries. This training is for clinicians who provide this service and assess clients for surgical readiness and gender dysphoria. This training aims to familiarize clinicians with WPATH standards of care, letter writing techniques, and rapport building with clients. This training also aims to take a destigmatizing approach to assessment and overall deconstruct the “gatekeeper” role of the clinician.
A Therapist’s 101: HIV/AIDS
Presented by Elijah Johnson, LISW
1 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
This webinar will provide an introduction to HIV/AIDS, and how to support, empower and offer resources to those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. It will present specific information surrounding: vocabulary, what to expect upon diagnosis, treatment, prevention, stigma, the legal landscape at this time, and resources for clients. This webinar is presented In honor of World AIDS Day.
Intuitive Eating and Anti-Fat Bias in the LGBTQ+ Community: The History of Anti-Fat Bias
Presented by Reyna Lusson, LSW and Miriam Mogilevsky, LISW-S
1.5 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
Participants will learn the history and origins of anti-fat bias in the context of racism and ableism. This session will bust some common diet culture myths, and break down the white supremacist history of the BMI.
The content of this training draws significantly on the work of fat activists and scholars; participants will be provided with a comprehensive list of resources from individuals with lived experience, and are strongly encouraged to continue learning from this material. Miri and Reyna strongly believe that fat people deserve paid opportunities to speak about their own experiences of fatphobia and perspectives on how to resist it; this training is not that, and should not be considered a substitute for learning directly from fat individuals about their experiences.
Intuitive Eating and Anti-Fat Bias in the LGBTQ+ Community: Anti-Fat Bias in Medical and Therapeutic Settings
Presented by Reyna Lusson, LSW and Miriam Mogilevsky, LISW-S
2 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
Participants will learn how anti-fat bias shows up in the present day and creates disparities in healthcare. This session will discuss how weight stigma affects patients and staff in healthcare settings. There will be discussion on how microaggressions such as fatphobic documentation and BMI limits for gender affirming surgery can lead to health disparities and avoidance of medical care.
The content of this training draws significantly on the work of fat activists and scholars; participants will be provided with a comprehensive list of resources from individuals with lived experience, and are strongly encouraged to continue learning from this material. Miri and Reyna strongly believe that fat people deserve paid opportunities to speak about their own experiences of fatphobia and perspectives on how to resist it; this training is not that, and should not be considered a substitute for learning directly from fat individuals about their experiences.
Intuitive Eating and Anti-Fat Bias in the LGBTQ+ Community: Intuitive Eating 101
Presented by Reyna Lusson, LSW and Miriam Mogilevsky, LISW-S
2 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
This webinar will focus on intuitive eating as a way to resist diet culture and anti-fat bias. This is not a comprehensive training on intuitive eating, but will introduce the core principles, as well as some other strategies that providers can use to disrupt anti-fat bias in medical and therapeutic settings.
The content of this training draws significantly on the work of fat activists and scholars; participants will be provided with a comprehensive list of resources from individuals with lived experience, and are strongly encouraged to continue learning from this material. Miri and Reyna strongly believe that fat people deserve paid opportunities to speak about their own experiences of fatphobia and perspectives on how to resist it; this training is not that, and should not be considered a substitute for learning directly from fat individuals about their experiences.
Codependency in the Queer Community: Beyond Addiction and Care-giving
Presented by Alexis Rae Burrow, LPCC-S
1.5 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
In this webinar, we will start a conversation about what codependency looks like specifically both the behaviors and the causes. There will be discussion regarding how and when to broach the topic of codependency with clients. We will specifically address shame, parenting techniques, social messaging and relationship patterns that contribute to what we term codependency. There will be emphasis on how codependency shows up in queer identified individuals and their relationship while also acknowledging the lack of information for this population. This webinar will also explore different interventions that can be used with clients to address their codependent behaviors, increase self-esteem and develop meaningful connection with others
LGBTQ+ 201: A Deeper Look at the LGBTQ+ Community
Presented by Jess Homan, LISW-S
1.5 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
This training targets clinicians who would like to have a better understanding of the LGBTQ+ community by learning about language and concepts, coming out, and what transitioning can look like in the gender expansive community. This training also aims to take a deeper look at how intersectionality impacts the LGBTQ+ population.
Supporting LGBTQ+ Supervisees
Presented by Dr. Kelsey Scanlan, PhD, LPCC-S
3 CE- Meets Ethics Requirements
This presentation will review the unique needs of LGBTQ+ supervisees and how supervisors can best support them. Participants will explore the ACA and NASW ethical codes as they relate to LGBTQ+ individuals and supervision. Participants will also learn about several theories that can be used for supervision effectively with LGBTQ+ supervisees. This presentation will have a discussion surrounding case studies.
Diverse Populations and Ethical Considerations
Presented by Kelsey Scanlan, PhD, LPCC-S, CCMHC and Adrianne Johnson, PhD, LPCC-S
2.5 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
This presentation will explore a variety of multicultural intersections and how to ethically engage in therapy practices while maintaining cultural humility. It will also provide learners with a wide array of resources for each intersection discussed. While this presentation cannot possibly cover every intersection counselors and social workers may encounter, the presenters will assist learners in applying ethical standards to care, no matter the intersection.
Queer Neurodiversity: An Intersectional Approach to Adult ADHD Assessment
Presented by Julie Hazel, LPCC-S
1.5 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
This presentation explores the unique challenges and considerations involved in assessing ADHD in queer adults. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the intersectionality of neurodiversity and queer identities to ensure comprehensive, sensitive, and effective diagnostic practices.
Emotion Focused Therapy Part 1: Working with LGBTQ+ Relationships
Presented by April Cunningham Schwarzwalder, LPCC-S, CWC
2 CEs- Meets Ethics Requirements
Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) is an attachment-based model that can be used with individual, couples and families. Participants will receive information about the basic theory behind Emotion Focused Therapy and practical interventions to use in sessions to help clients increase secure attachment to themselves and others. Special consideration is given for working with LGBTQ clients.